Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Old NITCo. Releases/ART pt. 2

Another set of old Nitco releases, just the art here, the music will be popping up for free on NITETROTTER.COM, i am still proud of my old art, and the days before i touched photoshop.

Jorge Anthony Tapia Y SINJOTHRAWMASH

So December 31st 2010 me and Jason Whitmarsh(aka SINJOTHRAWMASH) spent the night with our families together ringing in the New Year with clashing sounds...you know the kind of sounds that 2 friends make while skipping down the street,holding hands and giggling...that sound! it was wonderful. we pulled out almost every toy we have, and let that digital 8 track really have it. and this album is the result of that. Lawry Zilmrah skipped along on a few tracks adding his wonder wheel! and we love him for it!

$7 ppd through paypal limited ed. CD nailinthecoffinrecords@hotmail.com